Healthy Food for All

Healthy Food for All: Factors that Influence What we Eat in the U.S. (NUTR 175N) explores factors that influence food intake, how individuals make food choices within their communities, and how these choices impact health and wellness. Topics include an overview of what Americans tend to eat, factors that influence food intake (e.g. economics, food environment, advertising/marketing), and the impact of poverty on food security, hunger, and health outcomes including obesity. This course also discusses how nutrition-policy influences food intake and health and food assistance programs.

Effective Speech (CAS 100A) explores how people use techniques of oral communication to address practical, professional and civic problems. It is designed to introduce students to principles of effective public speaking, implemented through the design and presentation of individual speeches. CAS 100A fulfills 3 credits of the writing and speaking requirement for general education.

Healthy Food for All: Factors that Influence What we Eat in the U.S.

GenEd Domain: 
Health and Wellness (GHW), Social and Behavioral Sciences (GS)
Class Days: 
Class Times: 
10:00 - 12:30

Effective Speech

CAS 100A
GenEd Domain: 
Writing and Speaking (GWS)
Class Days: 
Class Times: 
2:20 - 3:35